The collection of De Nieuwe Psalmberijming, a new, contemporary rhyming of all 150 psalms, has been completed since 2021. With this new wording, DNP meets a great need in Protestant churches. Nine poets contributed to The New Psalms. In addition, a number of (other) poets, theologians, Dutch scholars and musicians cooperated as co-readers and revisers. All psalms are printed with their Geneva melody. This new Psalm rhyming will give a new impulse to the singing of psalms.The New Psalms is an initiative of the Close to the Bible Foundation. The authors are: Jan Pieter Kuijper, Arie Maasland, Adriaan Molenaar, Bob Vuijk, Arjen Vreugdenhil, Titia Lindeboom, Jan Boom, Ria Borkent and René Barkema.